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Know About Corruption Perception Index and India’s Rank

Transparency international published a report named as Corruption Perception Index and according to it

India’s rank is at 78 position out of 180 nations in global corruption index India’s rank last year India was at 81 in 2018 not only this but India rose three points to rank of 78 in 2018 corruption perception index. Well the marks scored by India elevated from 42 to 41 Whereas United States fell from 16 to 22 and India’s neighboring country China slipped by 10 ranks to the 87th, last year it was on 77th. Where these two superpower countries fell from their rankings but India improved

What is Transparency International?

Transparency International was founded on May 4, 1993. Its Chairman is Delia Ferreira Rubio and Director is Patricia Moreira. It publishes CPI Corruption Perception Index and ranks the countries as per their scores. We must know that its nonprofit purpose is to take action to combat global corruption with civil societal anti-corruption measures and to prevent criminal activities arising from corruption.

Transparency International has the legal status of a German registered voluntary association and serves as an umbrella organization.

We must also know and understand that Denmark and New Zealand are the two top nations of this index who scored 88 out of 0 to 100 New Zealand scored 87 respectively. And New Zealand becoming the second top in the index.Somalia’s score is 10 due to the terrorist and disturbances in the country. South Sudan score is 13 whereas Syria’s score is 13 and Syria, Somalia and South Sudan are the bottom performing nations in corruption perception index.

In conclusion we can clearly see that there is a failure in controlling Corruption and Crisis in Democracy leads to more corruption in any nation. The top performing nations have a very healthy democracy with them and 2/3 of total countries countries scored below 50. Average score 43 is of the whole index.
