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Most Important Missiles Of Indian Forces

Most Important Missiles Of Indian Forces

Defense aspirants who are preparing for defense exams must be aware of the important missiles in India it can be asked during their SSB Interview, Exam and also being a defense aspirant they must be aware of it. Path Finder Defence Academy have collected some important missiles name of Indian missiles and its ranges and speed.

So we are sharing some most important features and details of the missile system that is very important and also the difference between the different types of missiles. Let’s start from Ballistic Missile

A ballistic missile is a missile that follows a ballistic trajectory commonly known as projector path with the objectives of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. These missiles are guided for the brief duration just in starting phase of trajectory and the rest of the path is like a free falling projectile under gravity. Its precision is very accurate and also make a huge damage to the target. Once the satellite is launched it will destroy the target completely.

A cruise missile is a guided missile which is used against the terrestrial targets it remains in the atmosphere and flies the major portion of its flight path at an approximately constant speed in the air. These missiles are self-navigating and fly at extremely low altitudes to avoid being caught by radars. Cruise missiles are designed to deliver a large warhead over long distances with high accuracy.

Let’s have a look on the different types of Missiles:

Surface-To-Air Missiles

  • Akash Indian made Medium-range surface-to-air missile 30-35km speed Mach 2.5 to 3.5
  • Barak 8 by Israel / India Long-Range surface to air Missile range of 100 km speed Mach 2
  • Trishul Indian made Short Range surface to air missile 9km
  • Pradyumna Ballistic Missile Interceptor or Prithvi Air Defence (PAD)
  • Ballistic Missile interceptor, the surface to air missile range 300 to 2,000 km

Defense Missile

  • Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) Indian made Exo-atmospheric Anti-ballistic missile Altitude- 80km Mach 5+
  • Advanced Air Defence Indian made Endo atmospheric Anti-ballistic missile Altitude- 30km Mach 4.5
  • PrithviDefence Vehicle (PDV) Indian made Exo-atmospheric Anti-ballistic missile Altitude 120km
  • Cruise Missiles
  • Nirbhay India Subsonic cruise missile(Ship, submarine, aircraft, and land)               1,000 -1500 km  Mach 0.8
  • BrahMo Russia & India Fastest Cruise Missile in the world Supersonic cruise missile(Ship, submarine, aircraft and land) 290 km Mach 2.8 to 3 Mach
  • BrahMos II Indian Hypersonic cruise missile(Ship, submarine, aircraft and land) 300km Mach 7
  • BrahMos-A Air-launched Cruise Missile.
  • Brahmos-M Smaller variant of the air-launched BrahMos 290 km

BrahMos-NG Mini version based on the existing BrahMos 290-km

Air-to-air missiles

  • Astra indigenously developed active radar homing beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM)Air-to-Air Missiles range of 60 – 80 km & speed Mach 4 +
  • K-100 developed by Russia & India Medium Range air-to-air missile range of 300–400 km /Mach 3.3
  • MICA IAF Air-to-Air Missiles

Surface-to-surface missiles

  • Agni-I India Medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM)      700-1250 km Mach 7.5
  • Agni-II India Intermediate-range ballistic missile(IRBM) 2,000–3,000 km Mach 12
  • Agni-III India Intermediate-range ballistic missile(IRBM) 3,500 km – 5,000 km 5–6 km/s
  • Agni-IV India Intermediate-range ballistic missile(IRBM) 3,000 – 4,000 km Mach 7
  • Agni-V India Intercontinental ballistic missile(ICBM)       5000 – 8000Km  Mach 24
  • Agni-VI four-stage intercontinental ballistic missile 8,000 km to 12,000 km
  • Prithvi I India Short Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical) 150 km
  • Prithvi II Indian Short Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical) 350 km
  • Prithvi III Short Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical) 350 km to 600 km
  • Dhanush India Short Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical) 350 – 600 km
  • Prahaar(Pragati) India Short Range Ballistic Missile(Tactical)150 km Mach 2.03
  • Shaurya India Hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) 750 to 1,900 km Mach 7.5

Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles 

  • Sagarika (K-15) Indian Ballistic Missile 700 – 1900Km Mach 7+
  • K-4 India Ballistic Missile 3,500–5,000 km Mach 7+
  • K-5 India Ballistic Missile 6,000 km
  • Ashwin Indian Ballistic Missile 150-200km Mach 4.5

Anti-Tank Missile

  • Nag India Anti-Tank Guided Missile 4km 230 m/s
  • Helena(HELIcopter launched NAg) India Anti-Tank Guided Missile 7-8km
  • Amogha-1 Indian Anti-Tank Guided Missile 2.8 km range
  • Ashwin Ballistic Missile Interceptor or Advanced Air Defence (AAD Ballistic Missile interceptor / anti-aircraft missile 150 km+

